Theory of Opposites
The connection between math and wrestling
By Mike Ritchey
“The Theory of Opposites in the Sport of Wrestling ” is a binary concept in Time, Technical and Tactical components of competing in the sport of wrestling, I do not consider the attached list to be complete but a work in progress. Its intended use is to conceptualize the various forces involved in a sport of many dimensions, this can be applied to teach wrestlers to think about their sport and the complexities involved. The TOW is an approach to winning matches and inspiring further study of the sport.
The list can be used as a teaching tool and a point of discussion by taking a position of whether the opposing forces are “Time related” vs. “Technically related” or “Tactically related” or any combination of the three relationships.
As the examples above reflect, Time and Tactic create a Technical change in a wrestlers approach to the wrestling match at that given moment. There is time and place for most techniques in wrestling, sometimes they are wiser than others. My theory is that great wrestlers have either learned this through trial and error or have innate ability to make good wrestling decisions while in the throes of a great match.
Time related: A given concept that a match has limited amount of time and that the beginning and end may produce different approaches to the tactical and technical
Technically related: A given concept that technique and force coexist in an approach to winning wrestling matches or countering certain techniques.
Tactically related: A given concept that a tactical or planned approach to winning a wrestling match is situational in nature and that Time and Technique can change the approach of tactics during a wrestling match.
The Three T’s and opposition effects
Time related:
Ex : Beginning or End – A.B
Long vs.Short – A. B. and C.
Technically related:
Danger or Safety – B
Tactically related:
Beginning vs. End – C
Explanation of thought:
This theory is derived from a connection between the ancient Olympic Champion Milon from Croton and the Greek philosopher Pythagoras, Although famous for his theory on Triangle areas, he also had a theory of opposites.
Theory of Opposite Table
The Theory of Opposites in the Sport of Wrestling
“A binary approach to winning a match”
For or Against
Single or Double
Limited or unlimited
Odd or Even
Start vs. Finish
Attack or Defend
Push vs.Pull
Up or/vs. Down
Over vs. Under
Force vs.release
Close or Distant
Clockwise or Counter Clockwise
Right or/vs. left
Front or/vs.Back
Conceal or reveal
Forward or/vs. Backward
Correct or incorrect
Comfort vs. discomfort
Danger or Safety
Deep or Shallow
Decrease or/vs.Increase
Fast vs. slow
Early or late
Excited vs.Calm
End or Beginning
Expand vs. Contract
Few vs. Many
Fat or Thin
Tall or Short
First or Last
Free or captured
Hard or/vs. Soft
Heavy or/vs.Light
Horizontal or Vertical
Inside or outside
Long or short
High or/vs. Low
Out or In
Patient vs. impatient
Success or Failure
Tight or/vs. Loose
Victory or Defeat